isletopia pre alpha playtests

Open Playtests for Isletopia now available! New Arcade Mode to try out

we just started an Open pre-Alpha playtests for our relaxing turn-based strategy of greenifying barren islands, Isletopia, which will last until May 5th, 2022!

Everyone can now try out the early version, and provide sincere feedback on the current game state and feel. We have a few months left to devote to the development, and we’d want to polish it as much as we can for the official global release.
* If you’ve played the closed version from the previous weeks, then you can now see some changes in the open version – for example: Arcade Mode. Let us know which mode you like more 😉

How to enter the playtests?


  1. Request Access on Isletopia’s Store page
  2. Play the early build & Provide feedback after playing:

Everyone who provides feedback (complete a short survey) on the game after playing it, can get his/her username/ or name included in the game credits!!

**For all further discussion about Isletopia check out Forum here on Steam or join us on the Discord (subchannel: #isletopia-playtests-updates). You’re most welcome to join!

Join Gamex's Discord Channel

*the game is currently only available to play on Windows

Our community is growing!!

Our Discord just completed a Milestone of 750 members, and we’re now heading towards 1000 members! At that point, we plan to celebrate and prepare something special for our players and community 😉

We’re currently at 1900+ followers on our socials, and plan to increase the presence there in the future. Join us on your preferred social:
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