Game Marketing & Publishing

We help you reach more players!


Gaming Industry is a a competitive market, according to Steam Spy stats number of games released every year are increasing.
In 2014 there were only 1771 games released, but in in 2020 there were already 10,263 games released on Steam, which is roughly 28 games released every day! 

If we compare these stats with 2014 where there were about 5 games releases on the same day, you now need a completely different game to stand out from the rest of 28 games that are competing to gather player’s attention, and attention from Steam algorithms, to gather Premium spots on Steam’s Homepage and relevant categories.   

So, how to stand out with your game?

First class product + Outstanding Marketing methods!
If you are missing any of those 2 segments, then the results of your game on the day of the Release might just not be as expected or as you’d like to see.

Everyone releasing a new game wants to succeed, some wants to cover the development costs at least, bigger studios want to quickly cover the costs of salaries for their team, to receive extra revenues to fund their next projects and stabilize the company further. So, how you want to stand out, will depend on your goals you want  to achieve with your game.

We can help you...

REACH 1,000+ Youtubers & Streamers, 400+ Journalists, 300+ Steam Curators

Define your goals when working on a game, then track and measure the results!

Everyone wish their game to be a success on the Launch day, but what does it mean for a game to be successful?
If you are a hobby developer,  independent solo developer, or a bigger indie game development studio – the goals of the game may vary… a lot! Define your goals in Early development stages, track and measure the results during the process, read analysis from other developers to get to know a bit more on what to expect on the Launch day (especially if you are working on your first title).

It’s OK to dream big, but for big dreams you’ll need to work hard and check interest in game, adapt, proceed, and keep motivating yourself on the way to follow your dreams.

Those goals will keep you on track and you will always know what you want to achieve, so on the Launch Day you’ll know what to expect and what costs you need to cover! 

Game Industry is Booming!

The global gaming market made roughly $162 billion in 2020, and is expected to grow for additional $133 billion by 2026. That will bring the global gaming market at $295 billion.

Google is already adapting to the latest trends, collecting data and making 2021 Global Insights Report for game developers, who are searching for more data in different topics like gaming global trends, gamers during the pandemic and how the pandemic changed the world of gaming, top growing genres,… 

The world of gaming is moving fast, and according to increased competition it will be moving even faster than we probably know it so far. With all the expected increases in the gaming market, we might be surprised about the fast development of the gaming industry in the following years. 

"7 Years in Gaming Industry, now helping other game studios, indies, and solo devs to reach their goals."

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We are GAME DEVELOPERS ourselves!

As we are game devs ourselves, we are aware of how much time game developers spend working on their games, so players can enjoy them once released! But, even though the game is ready, fully polished & fun to play, lots of developers don’t achieve their dreams with their games. WHY?

In such a competitive gaming industry, you NEED to SHARE the WORD about YOUR GAME out! Players need to know your game exists, to be able to start building the audience around your game from the early development phases onwards!

If you haven’t built a decent interest in your game, before the Launch day, you might not just hit the numbers you wish to get with your game! 

Our team has been working in the gaming industry for more than 7 years now, and we are open to sharing our know-how and using best practices for the most cost-effective marketing-related campaigns we built. We love to work with new indie game developers, as well as with more experienced developers’ studios that still need an extra boost for their games! The more buzz around the game we can create, the better chances you’ll have with your game to succeed.

No matter, whether you are launching your first game or working on a huge update in which you’d like to share the word with as many players as you can, make sure to let us know on which fields you need extra boosters, and we’ll do our utmost to help you boost your game further!

Get in touch – and let us know more about your game!

Preparing to LAUNCH YOUR GAME??

Need ADDITIONAL EXPOSURE to get more players interested in your game?

CONTACT US today! Apply below.

Passionately working on a game? We want to see it!

Share your game with our team & apply for publishing today
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We'd love to hear more about your game!